Friday, February 26, 2010

My Illustrations Can Now Be Purchased as Wine Coaster Cards

After scouring the internet for freelance jobs, I was hired by a wonderful company called ProstProductions "Prost" meaning Cheers in German, hired me to do a limited run of 4 illustrations for their wine coaster cards. The cards are used as tags around the bottle of wine. I think they are a perfect idea for a hostess gift or just plain gift for anyone. Check out the product here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I won 3rd place!!!!

Good morning. I thought I would post the photo of my painting that I won 3rd place in Grimsby'S Annual Heritage Art Contest. I was honoured to be chosen 3rd from the many beautiful art pieces. When the winners were being announce I realized I had to give a speech about my painting....I don't know about the rest of you, but I was so nervous. I guess I did a good job (hubby said so) but he had to say that....hahaha.....and I did hear people laughing because I made a few comments that were funny, so I think it went over well. Little did they know I was cringing in side and just wanted to sit down. lol :) This was a great experience and there was quite the crowd present, so I encourage you all to enter a local art contest, if not for the competition, just for the sheer thrill of seeing your art being seen by so many people.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We went to Bird Kingdom on Sunday

What a relief to the winter....nothing like being able to experience summer weather without having to get on a plane. Niagara Falls Canada has a wonderful Bird Aviary that allows you to view and move along side with these exotic creatures....oh what inspiration they bring.